I have achieved DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS for ad-filtered and private surfing on the go
I have achieved DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS for ad-filtered and private surfing on the go
Wrote up an article on my AdGuard Home setup. I hope it is useful to some, even if it is myself in a wee while.
I am goign to try not to become a tech blogger!
@lara_vm ja, via #Wireguard über meinen Router, wo #AdguardHome und #Unbound am Werkeln ist.
TIL: turning on the Safe Search option for YouTube on AdGuard Home, makes YouTube turn on the restricted mode.
I thought it was my ISP...
@bleepbloop @MadeyeTheCarnaptious @suearcher @dee check out #searxng self-hosted metasearch engine, and integrates #invidious for ad free Youtube.
Ditching Google for search and email is great, but their surveillance advertising infrastructure is how they really monetise us. Something like #AdGuardHome is great way to #degoogle and reduce their ad based revenue.
I Love Free Software Day!
At the moment we want to thank:
@nlnetlabs for #unbound
We are currently working on a simpler solution for individuals to achieve more digital privacy in their homes.
Easy maintenance and more or less simple installation ;)
Will be away from home for three weeks from next week.
Just setup an AdGuard Home instance with DNS-over-HTTPS so my Android device doesn't get butchered while away.
I'd be proud if it weren't so sad.
@fivexhotel assuming that were talking about someone running a few services like #nextcloud #adguardhome or #jellyfin and wanting to access those services away from their home LAN.
An off the cuff example, #tailscale #headscale or #nebula do this with an added layer of security on top whatever authentication is built into said hosted services.
@tailscale is particularly self-hosting noob friendly, though there are security/foss concerns that may put some folks off.
Hope this helps.
Self-Hosting Journey Update!
After weeks of work, I'm excited to share my self-hosted setup! I'm running everything on a Raspberry Pi 500 with Stormux (Arch Linux ARM-based), 8 GB RAM, and a 512 GB SD card (planning to upgrade to SSD or NAS as soon as I can afford it). Here's what I’ve built so far:
Services in Action:
- Development: Forgejo, Code-Server, Woodpecker CI
- Productivity: Joplin Server, Monica CRM, Homepage dashboard
- Monitoring: Prometheus + Alertmanager, Grafana, Netdata, Uptime Kuma
- Networking: AdGuardHome + Unbound, Tailscale VPN
- Tools: MiniFlux, Linkding, TheLounge
- Management: Portainer, Cockpit, Watchtower
Security & Access:
- Caddy + Cloudflare Zero Trust/Access for reverse proxy & SSO
- FirewallD + Fail2ban for extra protection
Emails Powered by Zoho ZeptoMail:
All email-capable services (e.g., Forgejo, Joplin) are configured for reliable notifications.
Backups: Using IDrive's 5 TB plan for peace of mind.
This journey has been challenging yet rewarding! I'd love to hear your thoughts—especially tips on scaling storage or optimizing performance. Let's chat!
#SelfHosting #RaspberryPi #Linux #ArchLinuxARM #Stormux #Tech #OpenSource #DIYTech #HomeLab #CloudComputing #AdGuardHome #Grafana #Prometheus #CodeServer #Portainer
I added a new service in my self-hosting:
a DNS server with adblock support powered by NSD, Unbound, and AdGuard Home
What a great first day with AdGuard Home on my Raspberry Pi 1. Seriously, I didn't expect it to be so stable and handle so much traffic. Well done AdGuard and Raspberry.
My experience with my "new" Raspberry Pi's 1 - very cool! The only downside was that the rpi-imager flatpak package didn't work at all on several machines. In the end it worked with the APT package under Mint. The RP just runs. And it's as old as the hills! No problems with the first start and the SSH connection.
Goal for tonight: get AdGuard Home up and running.
Today I got two raspberry pi1 as a gift, let's see what I can do with them :D. Hopefully I can get AdGuard Home to work on one of them.
Not only browser are spying or let websites spy you! Windows, MacOS on desktop computers and iOS and Android on mobile phones are spying directly on operating system level.
So if you (or your familiy members) own desktop computer(s), mobile phones and smart devices like TV, watches, etc. you might want to have a single network wide solution for this: #pihole or #adguardhome can be useful for you. In combination with a private #selfhosted #vpn with #wireguard you (and your familiy) can even take your #adblock with you everywhere on every device.
Just setup Pihole+Wireguard once, use it on all your devices and everywhere!
(at your home WiFi, with other WiFis/HotSpots, with your mobile data plan, in your country or in other countries)
See how this works and how to setup on my GitHub page: https://thomasmerz.github.io/pihole-wireguard-knowhow/
#6 Produktivität mit Docker: AdGuard Home
Schütze deine Privatsphäre und blockiere Werbung sowie Tracking auf DNS-Ebene – ideal für ein sicheres und störungsfreies Arbeiten im Homeoffice.
Jetzt mehr erfahren in unserem Devblog! https://werkraum.net/devblog/6-produktivitaet-mit-docker-adguard-home
Finally got around to mounting an extra monitor on my server rack! I hooked up my #RaspberryPi since I wasn’t using it for anything else, although I should probably just connect it to my compute server instead.
My end goal is a custom #grafana dashboard, but that’s an entire project in and of itself. For now, I’ll just tile my #adguardhome and #plex dashboards among others.
P.S. please ignore the mess. Yes, it is like that most of the time
Lo de las peticiones #DNS de las cámaras de #Aqara es criminal… la mayoría de peticiones bloqueadas por #AdguardHome son de ellas y eso que en el #Router les tengo cortado el acceso a #Internet
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