High methane emissions from Australian coal mine detected using airborne sensors https://phys.org/news/2025-03-high-methane-emissions-australian-coal.html

High methane emissions from Australian coal mine detected using airborne sensors https://phys.org/news/2025-03-high-methane-emissions-australian-coal.html
https://www.europesays.com/1934867/ Rice farming science in race to reduce grain’s climate change impacts #AgriculturePractices #CarbonDioxide #CarbonFootprint #Climate #ClimateChange #CO2Emissions #GlobalWarming #IRRI #methane #NewVarieties #NitrousOxide #Philippines #rice #RiceFarming #RiceResearch
https://www.europesays.com/1931894/ Food Waste to Gas Plant under construction in Kingsbury #bioenergy #FoodWaste #GasPrice #investment #Kingsbury #LiquefiedNaturalGas #lng #LNGPrice #methane #NaturalGas #NutrientRich #OrganicMaterial
Goodbye, #methane #tax Just before a tax on methane, enacted as part of the Biden-era Inflation Reduction Act, was set to go into effect, President Donald Trump repealed it. Methane is a highly potent #greenhousegas primarily a byproduct of natural gas use, which has accounted for some 20-30% of #globalwarming the tax would have been the US’s first measure penalizing greenhouse gas pollution. By Zoya Terstei
#US #Biden #Trump
#Methane heats the atmosphere over 80 times more than Co2 the first 20 y
Low carbon #H2 delegated act is part of a broader agenda of #competititeveness & #deregulation pushed by industry, now priority n1
Risks a domino effect w/ huge negative impacts on climate, env, social, econ justice & #democracy.
#CleanIndustriaDeal, a #DirtyDeal by polluters 4 polluters
“Ignoring the Methane Problem”: World’s Biggest Food Retailers Fail to Address Meat & Dairy Emissions https://vegconomist.com/sustainability-environment/worlds-biggest-food-retailers-failing-address-methane-emissions-meat-dairy/
Supermarkets Have A Methane ‘Blind Spot’, Finds New Report https://plantbasednews.org/news/environment/supermarkets-methane-blind-spot-new-report/
Trump repeals America’s first-ever tax on greenhouse gases before it goes into effect
"The fee, had it taken effect, would have been the first-ever federal tax directly imposed on a greenhouse gas. It would have applied to roughly a third of the #methane emissions that come from oil and gas infrastructure in the U.S."
#Composting program to provide #Everglades with soil for #CommunityGarden
by Martin Vassolo, March 12, 2025
"Your food scraps could be used to help support the Everglades through a new partnership between the village of #PinecrestFL and the #MiccosukeeTribe.
"Instead of dumping #FoodWaste into crowded #landfills, which produce #methane emissions, the #EvergladesEarthCycleProject will expand Pinecrest's residential composting program and deliver nutrient-rich soil to the #Miccosukee Tribe.
"Driving the news: The project, funded with a $400,000 federal grant and other contributions, calls for installing four new #CompostingBins in Pinecrest and three around #MiamiDade County District 7.
"The initial phase of the program will supply compost to the #SwampyMeadows #CommunityGarden, which grows vegetables just outside the Miccosukee Indian School.
"Another proposal that's been floated is adding new soil to the Everglades' tree islands, though that would need tribal approval, says the Rev. Houston R. Cypress of the #LoveTheEverglades Movement, a partner in the program.
"Cypress told reporters on an airboat ride through the Everglades last week that the tribe teaches 'the essence of being in harmony with nature is giving back to it.'
"'With the Everglades Earth Cycle Project, we're giving back clean and healthy soil; we're giving products that might eventually improve the water quality out here, but we're also giving directly back to local indigenous communities here,' he said.
"Pinecrest already has two free public composting bins, one at the Pinecrest Public Library and another between the Community Center and Pinecrest Gardens."
#Composting #CommunityGardening #FoodSecurity #ReducingFoodWaste #SolarPunkSunday
"The American Beef Industry Understood Its Climate Impact Decades Ago"
People need to know about the anti-science and pseudoscience promoted by the meat industry, especially the cow meat industry, to hide the non-slaughter horrors of their bloody industry.
Jacquet, a professor of environmental science and policy at the University of Miami, noted that the 2006 UN report represented an inflection point, not only making the public aware of livestock’s climate impact, but putting the industry on notice that it could potentially be targeted for regulation. The report said that livestock’s climate emissions—which come from converting forests to pasture, growing feed, methane-emitting cow burps and manure storage—were about 18 percent of the global total, more even than the transportation sector.
In 1989—the year after NASA’s James Hansen famously told Congress that climate change posed a global threat—the Environmental Protection Agency held a workshop focusing on methane emissions from livestock and, soon after, published a report, “Reducing Methane Emissions from Livestock.” The report said that livestock were a major source of methane and estimated that a 50 percent decrease in global emissions from livestock would yield huge benefits for stabilizing this especially potent greenhouse gas. Tucked into an appendix was the following suggestion: “Reducing methane emissions from ruminants should be pursued as part of an overall investigation into alternatives for reducing future global warming and its impacts.”
Jacquet and her co-authors note that representatives from the meat and dairy industry attended the 1989 EPA workshop, including a member of the National Cattlemen’s Association. Several months and a handful of planning meetings later, the association, which is the country’s biggest beef lobby and now known as the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, or NCBA, developed a “Strategic Plan on the Environment” to counter anticipated public relations problems or regulations related to climate change. The plan included suggestions to reach out to “key influencers” with research and positive messaging about the industry’s environmental benefits.
In a separate study, published this week, Jacquet and another University of Miami researcher, Loredana Loy, trace the meat industry’s efforts to derail advocacy groups’ attempts to persuade the public to eat less meat as a climate strategy. These attempts include the Beyond Beef campaign and others, including Diet for a New America and Meatless Monday.
The study says the livestock industry took a different approach than the oil and gas industry, which tried to convince the public it was only continuing to develop fossil fuels because consumers called for them. The livestock industry, on the other hand, tried to convince consumers that their dietary choices would make no difference.
“Daffodils for reduced methane production & improved feed efficiency in ruminants.”
#ag #methane
“…good news.
“Cutting agricultural methane emissions involves a wide range of relatively cheap measures that need good design and management, but could cut food-related emissions substantially over the next decade,” Nisbet says.
Adding a layer of #soil to a landfill provides habitat for methane-munching bacteria. Covering manure storage tanks, banning the burning of crop waste and only flooding rice paddies when necessary could pinch other methane sources
Animal Agriculture, the Leading Cause of Climate Change
A new study shows that outdated carbon accounting methods have hidden the true impact of deforestation and methane emissions.
Gerard Wedderburn-Bisshop, lead scientist at the World Preservation Foundation and study author, explains:
“A decision in the late 1980’s to treat carbon emissions differently, depending on their source, has seriously skewed climate science and policy.”
Key findings:
Cutting down forests has caused more CO2 emissions than fossil fuels since 1750.
Methane from animal agriculture is a major driver of global warming, but has been downplayed.
Fixing the way we measure emissions will help create better climate policies.
What can we do?
Choose vegan living
Support the @plantbasedtreaty
Ask your local council to endorse it!
It's time for real climate action! For the planet, our families and the animals!
Learn more: https://veganeasy.org/discover/news/rethinking-climate-change-the-overlooked-role-of-agriculture/
#Methane leaks: it's the little ones that'll get us in the end.
#climate #climatechange #environment #science
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New Zealand taxpayers contributed $29m to MethaneSAT, a US-led initiative to track methane emissions from space. The satellite launched in March 2024 and control was meant to be handed over to Auckland University late last year, but there have been... issues.
RNZ questions to MBIE and NIWA "were answered by MethaneSAT's US headquarters, after New Zealand officials asked MethaneSAT how to respond."
What is going on here?
https://www.europesays.com/1883925/ Republican-Controlled Congress Votes to Repeal Methane Fee #Drilling #emissions #EPA #GasPrice #LiquefiedNaturalGas #lng #LNGPrice #methane #NaturalGas #Republicans #trump