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Seven of the #RPG books I worked on were pirated by #Meta to train their #AI #Bullshit

Regardless as to my feelings on copyright, the IP owner did not consent to their inclusion in the dataset.

Meta's use is fundamentally immoral to the point that my own works will have an exclusion to their existing permissive licences to say "Fuck you and your idiot autocorrect"

See if they've pirated your work here:

The Atlantic · Search LibGen, the Pirated-Books Database That Meta Used to Train AIBy Alex Reisner

Please stop externalizing your costs directly into my face:

'Please stop legitimizing LLMs or AI image generators or GitHub Copilot or any of this garbage. I am begging you to stop using them, stop talking about them, stop making new ones, just stop. If blasting CO2 into the air and ruining all of our freshwater and traumatizing cheap laborers and making every sysadmin you know miserable and ripping off code and books and art at scale and ruining our fucking democracy isn’t enough for you to leave this shit alone, what is?

If you personally work on developing LLMs et al, know this: I will never work with you again, and I will remember which side you picked when the bubble bursts.'

drewdevault.comPlease stop externalizing your costs directly into my face

Voila pourquoi quand musk dit on va envoyer des humains sur Mars c'est du bullshit !!

9 mois coincés dans l'ISS :

- vieillissement accéléré
- perte de la masse musculaire
- diminution de la densité osseuse
- exposition supérieure aux radiations
- système immunitaire affaibli
- risque de maladies cardio-vasculaires

Et on ne parle même pas des problématiques du retour sur Terre ou de l’implantation d'une colonie

BFMTVVieillissement, taille... Voici les effets de l'espace sur le corps des deux astronautes restés coincés dans l'ISSLes deux astronautes américains Suni Williams et Butch Wilmore, restés coincés dans la Station spatiale internationale (ISS) depuis neuf mois, sont rentrés sur Terre. Un séjour qui n'a pas été sans conséquences sur leur corps et leur santé.

Was ist denn euer liebster #Bullshit Spruch?
a. Hast du deine Tage?
b. Frauen und Technik!
c. Frauen sind zu emotional für Führungspositionen.
d. Hast du abgenommen? Steht dir gut.

🍮 Wissen zum Nachtisch: 🍨

Retröt: Das #Klimaleugner und #Mythen Bullshit-Bingo

#Familienfeiern können harmonisch sein – bis Onkel Herbert beim Thema #Klimawandel loslegt. Diskussionen eskalieren schnell, wenn #Fakten ignoriert und altbekannte #KlimaMythen wiederholt werden. Da fällt „respektvoller Dialog statt Überzeugungsversuche“ schwer.

Für alle, die bei der verstockten #Verwandtschaft längst aufgegeben haben, gibt's hier eine Alternative: Das #Bullshit-#Bingo. 😉💚

www.oekologisch-unterwegs.deDas Klimaleugner und Mythen Bullshit-Bingo für Weihnachten und Familienfeiern
More from Tino Eberl

To subvert the truth, you must first know it, or at least think you do.

That’s not Trump’s game.

As Harry Frankfurt puts it, “It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing #bullshit requires no such conviction.”

Trump doesn’t have to check the nation’s unemployment and inflation rates to assert that “we inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.”

He doesn’t have to know anything about the Paris accord to claim it is “costing us trillions of dollars.”

It just doesn’t matter to him

The Washington Post · The real purpose of Trump’s liesBy Eduardo Porter


This road is NOT "being built for the COP30 climate summit"! This is #bullshit framing.

Belem is a city with over a million inhabitants, over 2 million in the area. It doesn't need a new road for 50,000 COP visitors who will leave again afterwards.

This road is built for the same reasons all highways are build: to fuel a car dependent lifestyle and economy.

Replied in thread

This road is NOT "being built for the COP30 climate summit"! This is #bullshit framing.

Belem is a city with over a million inhabitants, over 2 million in the area. It doesn't need a new road for 50,000 COP visitors who will leave again afterwards.

This road is built for the same reasons all highways are build: to fuel a car dependent lifestyle and economy. It has nothing to do with a COP.

Replied in thread


Ich halte mehr davon, Talkshows nicht live zu senden.
Mit einer Stunde Verzögerung lässt sich bis zur Ausstrahlung einiges checken.
Wenn dann zu dem Dummgelaber in dicken Buchstaben die Richtigstellung eingeblendet wird ...

Taucht ein Dummschwätzer nicht mehr in Talkshows auf erkennt den ja auch kein Zuschauer mehr als solchen.