Tanks of Freedom II Playthrough | #4
Tanks of Freedom II Playthrough | #4
Discoveries: Unhaunter! - 22/3/2025, 21:18:50
ONFOSS! - March 2025 Edition - 15/3/2025, 13:33:32
Hi there!
Today It's #ONFOSS!
Come and #play with us!
See you later on #PT!
CET: 13:30
UTC: 12:30
Less than 24 hours to go until the next #onFOSS ! We will start at 12:00 UTC, but feel free to join any time. :)
As usual there will be an official stream happening, this time again hosted by @szkodnix over at https://live.szkod.ovh/
See https://onfoss.org/news/2025/02/15/Next-event-March-15th.html for more information!
The next #onFOSS will happen on the 15th of March. Join us for a full day of #OpenSource games! Hosted by @aethernaut this time.
Lots of new(at least for onFOSS) games and a few classics are on the schedule:
#tanksoffredom #hurrycurry #openarena @play0ad @UNVofficial
See the announcement for more info!
Just a reminder. The next #onFOSS event is happening tomorrow! We'll start at 1200UTC but feel free to drop any time. It lasts all day!
See https://onfoss.org/news/2024/11/30/Next-event-December-7th.html for more info.
Our next #onFOSS event is happening on 7 December. Join us for a full day of #OpenSource games! Hosted by @sndein this time.
We'll be playing some classics, namely: #Mindustry, #Xonotic, #SuperTuxKart, #OpenHV, #Teeworlds, #BZFlag, but we also have a newcomer which is Nazi Zombies: Portable.
See the announcement for more info!
Czołem FOSSGracze!
Jeśli macie dużo wolnego czasu w sobotę i znacie język angielski, zapraszamy serdecznie na rozgrywki odbywające się w ramach zaprzyjaźnionej z nami inicjatywy onFOSS.
Rozgrywki odbędą się już w tę sobotę, 27 lipca od 14:00 do 22:00. Cała rozpiska jak również instrukcje jak dołączyć do poszczególnych gier znajduje się na głównej stronie onFOSS: https://onfoss.org/news.html
Zapraszamy też szczególnie na turniej w LibreQuake, w którym nagrody zostały częściowo ufundowane przez nas Zgodnie z tradycją, zwycięzcy przypadnie możliwość wyboru, na którą grę open source organizatorzy onFOSS przekażą nagrodę pieniężną.
Zapraszamy serdecznie!
Another #onfoss event is happening soon on Saturday 27 July, starting at 12:00UTC featuring a new host, Elouin! This time we'll have #AssaultCube, #Yorg, #Warzone2100, #Lix, and #SuperTuxKart.
There will also be a tournament with #FTEQW running #LIbreQuake. This time featuring a double prize with €25 from Elioun and zł100 from Szkodnix.
Finally, there will be a community-chosen game. Fill out the survey if you want to have your say.
See https://onfoss.org/news/2024/07/04/Next-event-July-27th.html for more info.
Again, thank you all for participating in #onFOSS!
As #BZFlag doesn't take donations for the project, dromdan - the winner of the tournament - decided to give the donation to #SuperTux
The VODs from the livestream are available here:
Part 1
Part 2
We also now have a "All of onFOSS" PeerTube playlist, where every video of and about onFOSS is saved!
See you all next time!
It's time again for the next #onFOSS event! Saturday 17 February 2024, we'll have a full day of games, starting at 12:00 UTC.
Our tournament will be #ArmagetronAdvanced in classic Free for all. Get those lightcycle skills up to speed soon! The prize will be a €25 donation to your choice of FOSS game-related project.
We'll also play #Minetest (CTF), #Wasted, #Hedgewars, #OpenSpades, #OpehHV, and a game of your choice!
For more info and the game choice survey, see https://onfoss.org/news/2024/01/16/Next-event-February-17th.html
We are now officially on Mastodon! As an #introduction , we #onfoss, a community of FOSS gaming enthusiasts. We host regular gaming events to showcase the great games out there. Follow us here to stay up to date or join any of the other means of communication we have on onfoss.org. See you around!
Die heutige #onFOSS-LAN hat übrigens auch einen Live-Stream. Schaut rein, wenn ihr mal sehen wollt, was dort an Open Source-Gaming so abgeht.
Heute findet wieder die onFOSS-LAN-Party übers Internet statt! Ab 1200 UTC geht es los mit zahlreichen freien Spielen!
Alle Infos: https://onfoss.libregaming.org/host.html
Hello there! I am happy to announce that there will be a new onFOSS-LAN event co-organized with LibreGaming soon!
I'll paste the original truncated text in the first comment so you can check all the info you need!
Hey! Streaming onFOSS LAN event today! The event started today at 11:00 AM UTC but will go on for the entire day!
I'll start streaming at 17.00 (UTC+1)
You can also join them here
See you later!
Das gestrige #OpenHV-Turnier auf der #onFOSS könnt ihr auf #Twitch nochmal im VOD anschauen:
@boilingsteam Resident Evil 2 , really stressing my pulse , not as scary as #Soma for me but a great game in general
#OpenSpades was also very fun at #onFoss
#residentevil #linuxgaming