So, it's been a while since I did an #Introduction #ConnectionList #TwitterMigration post where, I find interesting people for you to follow on #Mastodon, and use my reach to more closely connect the #Fediverse
@ANUResearch is the official Mastodon account of #ANU Research (I think, it all looks very legit, but I don't know the person behind the account) #research #university
@drwaus is the new official account for Digital Rights Watch in Australia (h/t to all the good work Sam @floreani is doing in this space - don't forget to catch her #keynote at later this month!)
@AoIR is the official Association of #Internet #Researchers account. Read more at
Professor @nilsph1 works in #knowledge organisation and information retrieval #IR at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at #Oslo Metropolitan University @oslomet :flag-no:
@fionatribe is an #anthropologist, workplace #strategist and #ethnographer who works in #architecture and #OrgDesign
@dcm is Dimitri Coelho Mollo, an Assistant #Professor in the Philosophy of #AI at #Umeå University :flag-se:
@anders is a #Communication strategist for #AI #Sweden :flag-se:
@rachaelvdm is a #MetaData #librarian #GLAM interested in #nature #art #history
@bentarnoff is a technical #writer, who recently wrote a brilliant piece on Joseph #Weizenbaum for The Guardian. You should read it.
@observablehq is the official account of the #dataviz platform, based on #D3js from @mbostock
That's all for today, don't forget to share your own #ConnectionList, particularly as we say #RIPTwitter