Wer waren die besten #Facilitator*Innen, die ihr je erlebt habt, und warum? #moderation #facilitation #workshops
Wer waren die besten #Facilitator*Innen, die ihr je erlebt habt, und warum? #moderation #facilitation #workshops
Jetzt wäre der richtige Zeitpunkt, mir euch bekannte selbständige #Berater*innen und #Facilitator*innen zu empfehlen, die >6J Erfahrung haben und #Strategie, #Organisationsentwicklung und #DesignThinking können. :) #followerpower #freelance
Met dank aan #facilitator #VVD
Publiek #zorggeld naar private profiteurs
To hell with the consequences
Are you a #facilitator?
Is #facilitation part of your work?
Want to discuss and practice #facilitating?
I'm running the Facilitators Unconference next month.
Tickets via https://www.facilitators-unconference.com/
Price includes lunch, refreshments and access to the event.
Please share!
Binnenkort op het darkweb: interessante gegevens toeristen aangeboden!
De overheid als #facilitator ban criminelen
#Regeneration of ‘the Ecosystem of the Soul’ can lead us individually and collectively towards the balance we so long for.
#PostGrowth Fellow, Marco Andrade (Makarios Anand), explains what a #Soul #Ecosystem is, why its regeneration is so important, and the risks of pursuing partial approaches that ignore this dimension: https://medium.com/postgrowth/regenerating-the-ecosystem-of-the-soul-d6ed49a25c37?source=friends_link&sk=123200db55636b281c125d44db7661de
Aren't #retrospectives just a fluffy, fuzzy event in #Scrum?
And *everyone* needs to attend, of course!
No, of course not!
I was trying to be funny AND get your attention.
Now that I am having it, here's one thing I am totally serious about:
your inner #stance as a #retrospective #facilitator matters
The 5 stances in a nutshell are: Be a host
Be clear with others
Be clear with yourself
Be prepared (to be surprised)
Read more here: https://www.respectandadapt.rocks/blog/facilitation/retrospective-basics-stances
In today's #Introduction #Introductions #Connections #TwitterMigration post, where I curate interesting accounts for you to follow on the #Fediverse , I'd like you to meet:
Professor @KathAlbury is a #researcher #academic at #Swinburne, part of @adms (full disclosure: I @admin the server that the ADMS account is on). Her ADMS projects focus on the development of data capability and capacity in #NFP organisations, and data #ethics and speculative #DesignJustice in the field of #SexTech. If you're into #DesignJustice,
you may also like the work of @schock.
@blasbenito is a #DataScience and #AgTch #GIS #researcher and #PhD in computational #ecology
@KristinaRiemer is also a #DataScience educator and communit builder @cct_datascience at #UArizona
@simonoid is a #melbourne / #Naarm #nerd and #gamer
Dr @amykmcl is a #facilitator, #researcher and #ethnographer in #medical #anthropology
That's all for today, please do share your own lists so we can more closely connect the #Fediverse
Du hast ein Treffen oder Workshop geplant zu generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz? Dann habe ich drei Tipps, wie du den Einstieg mit einem dieser "Icebreaker" gestalten kannst: https://youtu.be/uJj0PmY7m84?si=tBGI-yiPYSEpKrYe
#moderation #facilitator #icebreaker
The original 40 #Facilitator's #Unconference tickets are all sold!
Fiona McBride and I've added 10 more (½ of which have gone).
Book via https://www.facilitators-unconference.com/ quick!
Work in the voluntary, charity or public sector? Direct message me for 50% discount code.
Aino Vonge Corry — On Teaching and Learning
Her fantastic talk at the Architecture meets Agile conference.
How do you learn? Are you a slow-thinker, a sequential thinker or a global thinker? Did you ever wonder if your participants can follow your ideas and practices? Did you ever wonder why you don't "get" it when someone explains something to you?
I don't want to change people, I change the chairs in the room)
Hello Kitty Angeregt durch eine internationale Facilitator-Community habe ich diesen Blogbeitrag geschrieben: »3 Tipps • genAI für Icebreaker«.
Schon mal generative KI für den Einstieg in Workshops oder Meetings genutzt? Wer dazu Inspirationen sucht, wird hier fündig:
1. Hey, genAI: Male mir ein Bild
2. Hey, genAI: Gib mir Assoziationen
3. Hey, genAI: Wie klingt das als Shakespeare?
Alle 'professionals' zijn #enabler #facilitator schrijft TI:
Juristen geframed als de bron van het Kwaad #AML #CFT #facilitator #enabler
en men moet ook van het 'enabler' concept af, dat zowel de ontwerpers van de ontwijking omvat (bewuste enablers), als de sukkels die ook een rol spelen (onbewuste enablers) #facilitator #sancties
Europa neemt juristen onder vuur met ‘enabler’ wet @NOBAmsterdam @Advocatenorde #facilitator #enabler
Next piece of my #Newsletter 'One Page a Day Keeps the #Burnout Away' is coming in <24hrs
It'll contain simple and effective practises to re-wire your #brain.
Plus one real-life example how #BusinessJournaling supported me recently in my work as an #AgileCoach and #Facilitator.
Don't miss it, sign-up: https://businessjournaling.substack.com
Read what's already online, start today!
Letzte Vorbereitungen für meinem Workshop: Erkundung von #Ambidextrie mit #LS abgeschlossen. Freue mich als #Facilitator für meine Firma www.Macolo.de bei der #Digicon2023 morgen dabei zu sein.